About Me

I’m looking forward to sharing myself with you in brevity, which—truth be told—is not my strong suit. Detailed and extra is my usual, so I will break it down chapter by chapter.

My story

from reader to author

My first love came in the form of words on pages. My father read to me every night, and it became a love of mine that I carried with me into middle school. Reading saved me from the rough days of growing up and inspired me to create every day.

My second love popped in and out of my mind until I was in high school when I was challenged by a friend to create a book series, to stop thinking about it and to just do it. Little did I know, that challenge would lead me down the captivating path of storytelling, where imagination meets reality.

From that moment, my passion for writing took flight, weaving tales that spanned genres and worlds. As I delved into the realm of young adult fiction, including dystopian books for teens, I found myself drawn to the allure of YA dystopian novels, where gripping narratives intertwine, painting vivid landscapes of adversity and resilience.

My 1st & 2nd love

In college, I chose a Linguistics degree to learn about language and not limit myself to a specific form of writing. I wanted to learn to use language to tell stories the way I wanted to tell them.

After graduating, I followed my passion across the country. Over a decade later, with a new home, an incredible husband, our blended family of 6 kids, multiple businesses, and full marketing brands for a dozen companies, I am turning my own passions into my life.

Drawing from my extensive experience in digital marketing for over 12+ years, I've worn every hat in the process, allowing me to leverage my skills to grow businesses that I love. Just as I once used language to tell stories in my Linguistics studies, I now apply my expertise to promote exciting narratives, including the immersive world of YA dystopian novels.

experience through life

"You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write."

-Annie Proulx

With 3 book launches (the whole trilogy) coming this year, I plan on focusing on my new trilogy series before diving right into my next one.

If you’re interested in captivating sci-fi, thrilling dystopian, and heartwarming romance journeys, sign up here for more information on my release date AND claim an instant freebie: character sheets of all six main characters!

Stay updated on my latest YA dystopian novels and be among the first to embark on these sci-fi adventures.